Exclusive Paris Wedding

Ritz Paris & Paris Opera Wedding

behind the photos

This incredible wedding took place at two of the most exclusive venues in Paris: the elegant hotel Ritz Paris and the grandiose Paris Opera.

The ceremony took place in the gardens of the Ritz, with a long aisle decorated with an abundance of white roses. An ornate golden gate framed the front of the ceremony, offering a romantic fairytale vibe. After the cocktail, guests were whisked to the famed Paris Opera for the dinner reception and dancing. A cadre of violinists serenaded guests as they ascended the breathtaking grand staircase, which was decorated in greenery and florals in dramatic pinks and reds. In the opulent Grand Foyer where dinner took place, special mirrored tables made the reflected light of the candelabras and chandelier sparkle. A truly unforgettable experience for all!

Welcome event


The Wedding

vendor credits

Photography: Le Secret d’Audrey